In this thread you will find all the relevant documents, guidance and specification for your coursework unit.
This thread will also serve as a place where you can ask any questions relating to your essay.A2 Unit F664: Texts in Time20% of the total
Advanced GCE
40 marks
Candidates are required to submit an extended, individual essay of a
maximum of 3000 words.
Candidates are required to make a comparative analysis of three texts.
Candidates are assessed on:AO1: articulate creative, informed and relevant responses to literary texts,using appropriate terminology and concepts, and coherent, accurate writtenexpression;
AO2: demonstrate detailed critical understanding in analysing the ways inwhich structure, form and language shape meanings in literary texts;
AO3: explore connections and comparisons between different literary texts,informed by interpretations of other readers;
AO4: demonstrate understanding of the significance and influence of thecontexts in which literary texts are written and received.
SpecificationCoursework guidance
Coursework cover sheet .................................................